By Yvonne Nunn

32 pages, 1st Edition 2004, 4-1/2 in. x 7 in.

Yvonne Nunn, a leading contemporary American sonneteer, shares a treat as delicious as a triple-dipped ice cream cone in this collection of 26 sonnets served in such exotic flavors as the Marianne, Blank-verse and Variable sonnet forms, along with the standard favorites, Shakespearean, Petrarchan and Italian sonnets. The greeting-card-gift-sized book is sure to delight all lovers of fine sonnets. Nunn 's sonnets are attractively served on whipped-cream-white paper with pistacchio-green print accented with a sprinkling of strawberry-red ink. Lines like I hear of perfect places thick with trees,/ with floating wispy mists atop green scenes/ where angels ladle soup from gold tureens/ as though all graves are open jubilees and When minute creatures feed at banquet feasts/ their wit outfoxes mammoth hordes of beasts make this book the kind of page-turner one can 't put down on first reading, and to which the reader will surely return time after time.

$6 per book
(includes U. S. postage; add $2 for foreign orders)// E-mail:
Order by sending check made payable to:
Yvonne Nunn
9221 South State Highway 208
Hermleigh, TX 79526
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